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Thursday, April 28, 2011

quotes about opinions

quotes about opinions

quotes about opinions quotes about opinions quotes about opinions

quotes about opinions quotes about opinions quotes about opinions

History is a great dust heap. ~Thomas Carlyle, Obiter Dicta

The self-appointed spokesmen for God incline to shout; He, Himself, speaks only in whispers. ~Martin H. Fischer

Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. ~Bruce Lee

If my resolution to be a great man was half so strong as it is to despise the shame of being a little one... ~William Cowper

If, after I depart this vale, you ever remember me and have thought to please my ghost, forgive some sinner and wink your eye at some homely girl. ~H.L. Mencken

No religion is a true religion that does not make men tingle to their finger tips with a sense of infinite hazard. ~William Ernest Hocking

This was one of those perfect New England days in late summer where the spirit of autumn takes a first stealing flight, like a spy, through the ripening country-side, and, with feigned sympathy for those who droop with August heat, puts her cool cloak of bracing air about leaf and flower and human shoulders. ~Sarah Orne Jewett

How reluctantly the mind consents to reality! ~Norman Douglas

Spreadsheet: a kind of program that lets you sit at your desk and ask all kinds of neat "what if?" questions and generate thousands of numbers instead of actually working. ~Dave Barry, Claw Your Way to the Top

There is no gardening without humility. Nature is constantly sending even its oldest scholars to the bottom of the class for some egregious blunder. ~Alfred Austin

Anger is one letter short of danger. ~Author Unknown

Sewing mends the soul. ~Author Unknown

I recently had my annual physical examination, which I get once every seven years, and when the nurse weighed me, I was shocked to discover how much stronger the Earth's gravitational pull has become since 1990. ~Dave Barry

They have stopped deceiving you, not loving you. And it seems to you that they have stopped loving you. ~Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translated from Spanish by W.S. Merwin

One man's daydreaming is another man's woman. ~Grey Livingston

At the rate we're going, the Inaugural Ball is going to be a surprise party. ~Argus Hamilton

All morons hate it when you call them a moron. ~J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, Chapter 6

My feet have several thousand meetings scheduled with the dirt on a trail not far from here. Who am I to keep them waiting? Time to run. ~Jeb Dickerson, www.howtomatter.com

Sure there's no "I" in "team," but there is a "ME"! ~Author Unknown Sure you can psychoanalyze! But as Baehr used to say, why bother to sort garbage? ~Martin H. Fischer

Baseball is almost the only orderly thing in a very unorderly world. If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can't get you off. ~Bill Veeck

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